
Archive for the ‘planning’ Category

Last wednesday marked 18 month since moving to the UK.

*sigh* I really do love it here, but I wonder how much of that is because it’s summer right now and I do LOVE a British Summer.

I went to Hampstead Heath today, finally, with a friend from Aus (Hi Pete!) which was just lovely. We sat in a secluded bit of the Heath that made it feel like we were in a rural forest, and talked about life and love and all those things, then we wandered around the open paths, and around the pools… I kinda really want to go swimming there! There probably won’t be another day like today where i have the time to go though. Also, I don’t actually like swimming! But the water looked cool and inviting, and i think it would remind me of the river-swimming I did enjoy in the Murray as a child.

I didn’t take masses of photos, but here’s a few.

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Such a glorious day for aimless wandering, fresh air, peace and quiet (honestly, despite the people it’s so quiet!), some friendly pats with dogs and some cider and berries and a good ol’ chat.

Sadly, though, I now have just over 5 months before my visa is up. And so my thoughts must turn to planning how and when I get home. And where home will be.

At this stage I will probably move back to Adelaide, though I’m thinking of detouring via Canada and Seattle USA for a short spell on the way back to Aus (the advantage of being on the other side of the world is that absolutely everywhere is on the way home. Except Antarctica.) I want to visit my darling Miriam, since being in London constantly reminds me of her, then head over to the West Coast which I missed last time, then down to Seattle to see my family there.

I am a bit saddened by the realisation that I will probably have to leave the UK before my 33rd birthday. My visa expires on the 13th of Feb, and unless I try reentry on a tourist visa (which can be tricky, despite being legal) I need to leave by then. This is heartbreaking as I REALLY want to celebrate my birthday with all my London friends.

I have also discovered that my Great-Grandmother was indeed born in Scotland, but sadly that is one generation too far to get an ancestry visa. It really is frustrating as I don’t want to stay forever, just another summer, but it’s pretty impossible unless I get married or get another job, and loving my job and the people I work with is a big part of why I want to stay.

Like I said. *sigh*

But I have 5 more months to enjoy, a few more cities in Europe to visit (Bruge, Stockholm and Rome are all on the list, plus getting down to  France again to see friends and say goodbye to Paris), some British sights to see (I’m looking at you Harrogate), the most to make out of my Historical Palaces pass and a winter christmas and new year’s to experience.

Bring it London. I’m ready!


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For those playing along at home you will know that last wednesday i took a short let (that i didn’t care much for) as a safety net incase i couldn’t find a place to live after the place i THOUGHT i was going to live fell through.

Having seen 18 places over the last 8 days, I am still homeless. I was waiting on 3 places i’d seen wed, thurs and fri to get back to me, hoping one would be THE one (would happily have taken any of them). but no. One i’m pretty sure was just because i didn’t have a job and that otherwise they would have taken me, so of course now i’m super fretting about that

(although on that front I do have a final interview with Apple on Tuesday)

And then just to really make today the worst day in London so far… the sublet fell through. yup. despite paying a 2 week deposit on a 3 week sublet, because she knew there was a possibility i wouldn’t need it, she gave it to someone who has paid all three weeks – without calling or texting to say she was doing that to check with me, even though i said i  WOULD need it unless i said otherwise. I realise she’s trying to cover herself, but OMFG seriously? wtf? why would you do that when someone has put money down! She’s giving me my money back, but that’s hardly the point.

So as of Wednesday, unless something pops up for a short let, I will be homeless and resorting to couches. I have lovely offers from Bron and J and D and i’m sure i can manage between them. The girls here have said i can leave some stuff here so i’m not bogged down. One of the girls is almost always here, so not too much trouble accessing stuff. But still…

I have been bawling today, of course.

I have, in the last hour, contacted about 4 short let places, 10 regular places and am seeing a place in 45 minutes.

I have now worked out what i want… it’s a matter of finding a place that i want that wants me that will actually TAKE me.

but yes, today is the first day i’ve thought ‘maybe i should just go home’

which is a pity, because i have an audition on monday for a stage show of 1984 and a job interview tuesday. and another 4 weeks of meeting casting directors. so really, it WOULD be a shame. Also. Ed fringe.

but for the love of whatever-deity-you-wish-to-insert-here I WANT SOMEWHERE TO LIVE so i can stop feeling so temporary!


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I had my first major freak out today, which given that it’s a week til i leave is pretty good going for someone with an anxiety disorder!

Today I told my agent that i’m leaving and instead of just saying, ok, i’ll take you off the books, take care, good luck, she told me that had i told her earlier she would have helped me out, but now it was too late.

A few people asked why i didn’t tell her earlier… well, I was scared. there are lots of little excuses for why, but the crux of it is i didn’t want her to not work for me the way she did over the last few months, to not put the effort in since she knew i was going. A few other people have pointed out that SHE works for ME, not the other way round, but it’s pretty easy to be slack when you’re not getting paid. the fact of the matter is she hasn’t made a cent from me in 18 months. and while she got me a LOT more auditions than my last agent, I never expected her to go above and beyond for a low return prospect. hence not saying anything.

so when she played the ‘too late now!’ card i was a bit panicked for a few reasons. Firstly i HATE upsetting people and the passive aggressive bullshit that goes with it. I hate the feeling of i should have done this or that instead. And also in our brief conversation she said it would be too hard to contact agents right now because it’s (US) Pilot season and the castings are global and everyone’s too busy. which of course means i’m sitting here freaking out that agents will be too busy to see me when i get there.

Now that being said, Drama School graduates in australia are usually agent hunting in Jan- March as they work out where they want to live and who they want to get. (if they didn’t get picked up in Nov). And two of my three agents i got at around this time. So i know that busy does not equal not interested.

Still it’s frustrating to think that there might have been help available that i can’t get now.

But! in the list of things done and things to look forward to…

I have a place to live! yes, living in Stoke Newington for 4 weeks which gives me a little buffer to find further accomodation!

I have signed up for a casting director course with actors platform, so the day i arrive i shall be meeting the casting director of Law and Order UK (amongst other things) exciting!

I have a bank account and a meeting with the bank to get my cards the day after i arrive.

I have applied to 2 places (so far! ) for work (yes, both yarn stores) and signed up for job alerts with Harrods and Liberty

In things completed and done here in aus…

The apartment is sold. I am now homeless! (sort of) and all my stuff is in storage (except for what’s in SA so mum and dad can post it in a pinch)

My songs are recorded and being edited by the incredibly talented Adam Rudegeair so very soon i shall have my first original album (of sorts)

My in development production of a new original solo show based on a short story i wrote went REALLY WELL and i shall be registering it for the Edinburgh Fringe this week! My director and i had a drink and said, do we think we can do this in 4 weeks? and crazily said, yes we can! so we did! We did 2 shows only at the Owl and the Pussycat and i’m really happy with the feedback. So Edinburgh here i come (I promised myself i wouldn’t go back til i had a show!)

And my 31st birthday was SUPERFUN AND AMAZING! I had 5 separate celebrations (i have friends! who knew!) Drinks at Naked for Satan (mmm vodka), A PERFECT high tea at Miss Molly’s in South Melbourne with my melbourne besties (with three bonus babies!), Delicious Dinner at Hellenic Republic with Katie, Dea and Mum (so nommy), A Haphazard Games night with my adelaide besties and a family BBQ with, well, my family. I have definitely celebrated the occassion! Nothing makes you feel so loved as going away!

@ Miss Molly's

So really, it’s not surprising i finally shed some tears today!

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Today is the first day of a new year – the year i have my biggest adventure yet.

I am super excited and completely terrified!

I have just under two months before i leave these sunny shores and a little less time before i depart Melbourne. So much to do!

Here is a sample of my to do list now it is January

– book a flight (i know, sounds obvious, but i’ve been waiting on a date for my first return trip *eyeballs N+G* )

– finalise showreel and cv and post to agents in the UK

– contact potential employers, namely yarn stores and theatres for FOH/ticket sales work

– find a place to live. I’d really like to share a place so I can meet more people more quickly

– pack up my house

Those are the biggies. Other things on that list include making the most of my friends and family , going to work to make the monies and enjoying the summer weather. I feel like this is all achievable but slightly overwhelming and i know that january and february will be over before i know it.

My visa is for 2 years and i know what i want to achieve over there in that time. Sometimes it seems so short a time and others it seems forever. I realise i have not even been living in this place for 2 years and yet it’s home. It’s been just over 2 years since i got back from my big trip 09 and sometimes that seems forever ago and sometimes it seems like yesterday.

Time is a funny thing and New Year’s always brings that fact hurtling home.

I hope your New Year is a pleasant one and filled with exciting possibilities.


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A New Adventure

Hi Friends and maybe even strangers.

This year has been a tough year for me and i’ll talk more on it later but the long and the short of it is it lead me to a decision about myself.

I don’t want to look back on my life and feel dissatisfied, underwhelmed, disappointed. I’ve always played it safe, played more or less by the rules and the taken the proven tracks and ended up in a place that while fine when compared to say, the position of small underfed children in Somalia, is less than fulfilling.

I turned 30 this year. I had one of the worst 6 months of my life healthwise. and i made a decision.

I want to have adventures. I want to really live my life. I want to create stories to tell, fall in love again, experience the world and fight for what i want.

So, with this new nike attitude i decided (once i was well) to apply for my UK visa. The application was sent in two week ago.

yesterday i got a post slip in the letterbox.

My passport was awaiting me with one significant change.

This is really happening.


I am completely terrified and so excited!

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